Button-front sweater outfit

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button front sweater lack of color rancher hat levis wedgie jeans vancouver fashion blogger
button front sweater lack of color rancher hat levis wedgie jeans vancouver fashion blogger aleesha harris

button front sweater lack of color rancher hat levis wedgie jeans vancouver fashion blogger aleesha harris

button front sweater lack of color rancher hat levis wedgie jeans vancouver fashion blogger aleesha harris

button front sweater lack of color rancher hat levis wedgie jeans vancouver fashion blogger aleesha harris

button front sweater lack of color rancher hat levis wedgie jeans vancouver fashion blogger aleesha harris

I wore this outfit during a blissfully uneventful weekend.

I've found that, more so than ever recently, I've been filling up my days to the maximum. Whether with work, my blog, errands ... the list goes on, I've been going flat out.

But, during this particular weekend, I decided to dial it back. While I surely ticked some to-dos off my list, I didn't stress about not getting everything done. I went for lunch and didn't watch the clock. I ran some errands and took some time perusing racks rather than being on a targeted mission. I took some time — for me.

And, it was fabulous.

Sweater: Garage | Jeans: Levi's Wedgie | Bag: Gucci
Shoes: A Bronze Age