Essie neons 2014 Too Taboo collection: A quick review (with video)

Essie neons 2014 Too Taboo collection: A quick review (with video)
What it is: A new collection of six eye-popping neon shades by the nail polish mega-brand essie.

Beauty bonus: This range of shades is bright, fun and perfect for summer — we loved the orchid-inspired shade "too taboo" as well as the envy-inducing electric lilac colour dubbed "sittin' pretty". 

Beauty bummer: Like most other essie polishes, the price is a tad steep. 

Overall: For the diehard essie fan, this collection is a must-have. 

We loved the gel-like shine produced by only two coats of each polish — and the extra-bright colours didn't hurt, either.

Whether you're looking for the perfect manicure colour for a holiday away, or are just ready for an everyday pick-me-up at home/work, these electric polishes just might do the trick. 

Would recommend: Yes

Price: Approximately $8

Available at: Mass retailers

Check out the stop-animation movie I made with my fun new essie polishes:
 (I know, I'm a nerd!)