After a particularly strenuous day at work I decided to pop into Holt Renfrew for a little retail therapy. While perusing the sale shoe rack (which, admittedly, I had stopped in to look at a mere two days prior) I spotted what appeared to be a simple black ballet flat peeking out at me from amidst the of-the-season wedges.
Moving like a lady on fire, I snatched the lone sole up and let out an almost inaudible squeal of delight when I realized it was THE leather, skull-embossed Alexander McQueen flat. Skipping the prerequisite peek at the price tag on the bottom of the shoe, I hurried to a nearby sales clerk and almost shouted, "I'LL TAKE THEM!"
A mere $211 later — after the dreaded tax of course — I walked away with a beautiful pair of wear-everywhere flats, which I'm already salivating to partner with skinny jeans, shorts, tights and everything in between.